Hmmm…I have a dilemma. April 24th is coming up soon (like in 2 weeks soon). There are two things scheduled for this day and I have to pick one. The first (option A) is an all day workshop/convention for writers down in American Fork. It looks good and promises to be quite informative. I could learn a lot if I went. The second thing (option B)I have scheduled that day, a 5k race (I don’t need to say anything more about option B, right? It is what it is).
See what I’m talking about? I’d rather go to the writers workshop. BUT, I really do need to run this race and get a race under my belt. Can I even accomplish it? I’m a afraid to try, but I’d like to see if I can. Today I ran/walked 2.88 miles. A 5k is 3.1 miles long. I think I can do it (maybe). So, what to do, what to do? One option sounds fun and easy, the other I know will be difficult and painful. Option A there will be treats. Option B maybe someone along the route will hand me some water. The choice seems obvious. My body screams “Choose option A, you fool!” I really am thinking to choose option B. I need to give it a go. If I can finish it, then I will feel accomplished. Should I fail? Well, I don’t want to think about that. Ugg! Okay, option B . . . here I come! Fingers crossed. (Please pray for me).
1 Comment
4/11/2010 12:42:05 pm
The race!!!
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