Brooke over at Paper Mountain tagged me with these set of questions, and since I'm always up for a good game or two I thought why not play (I can always edit my manuscript later--I'm such a procrastinator). Besides, I like Brooke. She's pretty cool. So here we go: Do you think you're hot? Depends on the time of day. In the morning when I’m driving kids to school…ha,ha,ha, NO. Not hot. More like scary ugly. But by mid-afternoon, I can pull it together to look at least lukewarm. Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment. Yeah, I know weird. But if you know me, it's not all THAT weird. This is the wallpaper on my phone. Creepy cool. When was the last time you ate chicken meat? Yesterday. I ate a McD’s spicy chicken sandwich (wait…that might not be chicken at all). Totally not healthy, but I was in the mood for spicy hot and it was only a buck. Sue me for being hungry. The song(s) you listened to recently. Hmmm…I listen to the radio in my car a lot. I think the last thing I heard last night was Adele, Rolling in the Deep. I love that song. What were you thinking as you were doing this? How I’m hungry and could use a spicy chicken sandwich. Do you have nicknames? What are they? Mom, mommy, mama, mother, ma, ma, ma, ma, mommy, mommy, momma, MOM!! (kids nicknames for me. Oh, and check out the Family Guy clip) Honey. Honey! Honey? (husband’s nicknames for me). Angie or Ang (a few friends call me those) Tag 8 blogger friends...
1) D.S. Tracy 2) E.C.Writes 3) Jason McKinney 4) Juliana Brandt 5) Nancy Luazon 6) Violeta 7) Joy at the Character Depot 8) Andrea Hunter Who's listed as No. 1? D.S. We’ve been critique partners for about a year and a half now. She’s my ideal reader—tells me like it is and refuses to let me get away with writing crap. She’ll call me on it every time. Don’t know what I’d do without her. Say something about No. 5 What’s not to like about a lady who writes Chick Dick Mysteries? That’s cool stuff right there. How did you get to know No. 3? I’m thinking it was through twitter. He’s a zombie writer. I’m a zombie writer. Zombie writers are cool. We connect. Jason has written a book called The Memoirs of the Undead (I hope I got that right). I have the Kindle version and I find it fascinating. It’s a great balance of humor and horror. So funny. Not like any zombie book I’ve read before. How about No. 4. Ah, sweet Juliana. Her comments always make me smile and her blog is awesome. She even gave me an award. That’s pretty cool. Leave a message for No. 6. You rock! You really, really do! Leave a lovey dovey message for No. 2. Oh my Darlin’ Elisa, You crack me up, my dear, with all your quirky stories. I have never met a person with more embarrassing stories than you. You’re a lovable oddity. Anyone need a good chuckle? Check out her blog. You’re bound to giggle and maybe even pee a little. But be warned, nothing’s off limits with her—even the really embarrassing stuff. Love ya, Angela Do No. 7 and No. 8 have any similarities? Okay, this one was tough, but I think I got it figured out. Besides both being female and both having pretty cool blogs, they both live somewhere amazing awesome. Andrea on the Island of Kauai—beautiful and fantastic. When we went for a vacation she gave me tips and pointers for great places to visit and eat. And Joy lives in Jamaica. I’ve never been there, but Jamaica? That has to be awesome. I’m sure she’d give me tips and pointers too if ever I make my way to that fine part of the world. Tag you're it, guys. You're turn to play. (Even if you're not on my list, I'd love to read your answers. Let's get a good game of tag going).
6/4/2011 03:43:07 am
That's me, it all over. lol I've got to get on this!
6/5/2011 07:13:53 am
I love Adele too! My daughter got me hooked on her. Cool wallpaper.
6/5/2011 04:52:56 pm
Well, I've never been tagged before and I am not sure I have 8 people I can tag, yet, but I'll give it a go! Thanks for the tag! Maybe next time I'll get to you first!! :) Thanks for the nice words, by the way. I am glad you think my blog is pretty cool.
6/7/2011 12:11:56 pm
I love Adele. Her music is amazing.
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