![]() Several months ago I tried my hand at organizing the blogs I follow so I could be more productive in my stalking of fellow writers and book bloggers. I mean, I follow a LOT of bogs--LOTS. When I click on the "Join Site" button, my intentions are pure. I plan to read those blogs. I plan to comment on those blogs. I plan to gleam glorious information from those blogs. Truly, that is my intent. I don't want to be just another face on a blog--a non-interacting face (everyone has a bunch of those--they suck). NO! When you see my face, my plan is to be real. I want to be pals. Super pals. I thought I did well at organizing those blogs, too. Especially since I'm the most unorganized person you'll probably meet (don't look in my closets or drawers. Don't. I will slap you). So I thought I had it ALL figured out--put blogs into an A,B,C, and D lists. I would rotate through the lists and be an awesome stalker of blogs--an organized stalker. And it worked--for awhile. That was, until my computer *gasp* CRASHED. I lost all the lists (this was done on the bookmarking tool on my browser, NOT though Google reader). My laptop hard drive was wiped clean and rebooted and my browser was updated to the current version. Guess what? Yep. No lists. All my favorites, all my bookmarked pages--GONE. Poof. Disappeared. So I've come up with another plan *rubs hands together* --I'm going to start fresh. I'm going to start over and create a totally new system. I'm going to stalk a new set of blogs and it's gonna be AWESOME! So if you want to be stalked, which why wouldn't you? I'm really quite cool. My mom says so. Then all you have to do is leave a comment in the comment section saying: "Hi there, Angela! Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals. You can follow me on twitter, facebook, and goodreads, too. If you're feeling super stalkerish, that is. And I will promise to return the favor. Let's stalk one another!” And I will! I will stalk you! I will support your endeavors. I will RT your tweets (unless your tweets are bizarre and scare me). I will laugh at your facebook updates (unless they're inappropriate). I will give you accolades (virtual pats on the back) when you do something grand. LET'S STALK ONE ANOTHER! It'll be fun! And even if I already stalk your blog, still leave a comment. You will be added to this special BLOGS I STALK list and I will stalk you even more. I'm planning to revamp my BLOGS I STALK list in my sidebar as well and I will add your link so others know I stalk you too. Ahh, this feels good. It's great to turn over a new leaf and try again. I will be better. I will. That's my promise. I will be the best darn stalker you've ever met! Just you wait. DISCLAIMER: I will not follow porn sites or cooking sites or "I love the guy from NCIS" or "Edward rocks my world" type fan blogs. I probably won't follow religious sites or foreign speaking sites. I don't much care for sports so, yeah, that's probably out, too. If your blog is all about cats (or any pet for that matter) I'm not joining. If your profile picture is of your breasts or bum or any other body part other than you face, I'm pretty sure that's out too. And if you're wanting me to do yoga or diet, then we simply can not be friends--those words make me twitch. So let's just say that I reserve the right to just say no if your blog is well . . . weird. BUT, I love book bloggers and reviewers of any kind (I love reading), and I LOVE meeting other writers and authors in all their various forms and in all the various stages in their writing careers. Those are my kinds of peeps. Leave a comment and let's getting stalking one another!
11/17/2011 07:20:20 am
I'm sort of already stalking you (let's not be creepy) by following you on twitter and checking out your blog posts.
Hi there! I actually am involved in two blogs. You might be interested, you might not, but it won't hurt to let you know they exist.
Hi there, Angela! Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals. You already follow me on twitter! So come on by and join my blog and I promise to do the same.
11/17/2011 08:27:45 am
Friend me on MySpace and GoodReads since we haven't talked in awhile.
11/17/2011 08:32:55 am
Hi Angela! I love your post and like your process/procedure of following blogs. I too am very unorganized and follow a lot of Tweeps. My problem is I forget which blogs I like and I can never find them again!
11/17/2011 08:49:50 am
Stalkers who leave super long comments are my FAVORITE! Let's be friends!
11/17/2011 10:53:51 am
Hi there, Angela! Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments (or short ones if you like - one's that simply say you're awesome are acceptable ;D). Tell me how I’m doing (or how you are). Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog (let's be faces with words). Let’s interact, let’s be pals. You can follow me on twitter, facebook, and goodreads, too (but not really because I'm not allowed on Twitter or Facebook). If you're feeling super stalkerish, that is. And I will promise to return the favor (or I would if I could). Let's stalk one another (from afar - sorry, inside joke)!
11/17/2011 03:37:01 pm
You make stalking sound like fun :)
11/17/2011 10:40:01 pm
I only do my stalking on Twitter so far but do follow, I'm following you. I am not blogging yet, feel it creeping over me tho'. I follow blog links and read whatever comes in front of my face. You are funny.
HA! I love it! I have the same problem...so many great blogs...so little time! I'm trying to figure out a system too!
11/17/2011 11:12:08 pm
I already stalk you on Goodreads and Twitter...and clearly your blog, or I wouldn't be here! I'm always looking for new friends in the social media world - care to stalk and be stalked in return? Promise that isn't as creepy as it sounds. I blog about books, writing and life over at www.adkwriter15.wordpress.com!
I already follow you on twitter. I've been following your comments there since I joined up with NaNoWriMo. Would love to connect and interact. Visit me at one of my blogs. www.penny-schultz.blogspot.com or My Two Cents Worth blog at www.pennyschultz.com I'm on Facebook, too. See you there.
Sabrina Alexander
11/17/2011 11:27:13 pm
Against all recommendations to the contrary, I don't blog, but wanted to give you a hello. I do stalk you on Twitter.
I use google reader!! I sort the blogs I follow into folders based on their subject. I have book blogs, work blogs, writing blogs, cooking blogs, just for fun blogs and my "favourites" file.
11/18/2011 01:46:30 am
Is there such a thing as a re-stalk? Nice blog, glad I am following. BTW, I do guest blogs, and reciprocal reviews.
11/18/2011 01:47:07 am
Ooooh, I love stalking!!! On a sidenote, I read and love your blog any ways, so this just gives an added benefit to ME :) Come visit skybluemission.com for some good inspiration when you need it!
11/18/2011 01:54:32 am
This was a refreshing and informational post. I am at a loss to even begin to follow the blogs that I have joined, heck, I have trouble finding them!
11/18/2011 02:07:30 am
i've been reading your blog for a while but never thought you'd read mine. It's pretty new but come check it out!
11/18/2011 02:35:07 am
Okay. I think I've done it. I've spent all of this morning adding the above blogs and commenting on them all. So, if you leave a comment after this one, I will pop by tomorrow or the day after. But for now, I need to get my edits done before my editor kills me.
11/18/2011 06:22:40 am
I think I stalk you all over the place. I'm not a big fan of my google reader for blogs. So, I'm a subscribe to email feeds. It's the easiest way I've found to follow blogs. I click through the links and I'm there. I found this link through Twitter and I find some of your posts via your FB page. I think I catch you more on Twitter than the blogs. Good luck with your edits.
11/18/2011 12:30:14 pm
Hi Angela!
11/18/2011 01:33:42 pm
Hey, I already stalk you on twitter and I admit I'm worse than you at getting back to a blog I like after I find it. I run through them in google reader but when I comment it almost always comes out long so I don't get far. I'm already a follower but I don't see you on mine, not the Weebly one which I stopped using but the Blogger one linked on twitter to @sherahart. You can follow through my books and chocolate contest tab if you want to enter the once a month drawing.
11/18/2011 11:07:50 pm
Hi there, Angela! Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals. You can follow me on twitter, facebook, and goodreads, too. If you're feeling super stalkerish, that is. And I will promise to return the favor. Let's stalk one another!
11/19/2011 07:19:01 am
I was going to cut and paste your sample comment into this text box, but I ALREADY stalk your blog, so promising to return the favor would be redundant and repetitive (not to mention being redundant AND repetitive).
11/19/2011 08:39:19 am
Since I am already, sort of, kind of stalking you when I am not at my 9-5, seems like it might be fair. Although fair warning...just getting started with this particular blog and have been less than frequent in my blogging there at this point. Will probably put lie to that this week because I am on staycation (I hate and love that word at the same time).
11/20/2011 08:18:46 am
Hey Angela!
I totally agree, it's wayy to hard to keep things organized. Today, I went through and took off all the blogs of people who's first name I didn't recognize. Not easy.
11/24/2011 09:17:19 am
Hi, Angela. I stall you already. I'd be honored if you would stalk me back.
"Hi there, Angela, I'm Lulu! Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals. You can follow me on twitter, facebook, and goodreads, too. If you're feeling super stalkerish, that is. And I will promise to return the favor. Let's stalk one another!”
11/26/2011 10:02:07 pm
I too would like to stalk my favourite blogs in a more organized way! I'm still trying to figure out how to do it. I adore any blogs about reading, cooking (shocking, I know, coming from The Baking Bookworm!) and DIY home decor. Consider yourself stalked (in the non-creepy way). ;)
3/6/2012 10:54:00 am
I learned that,your site is so superb,. Decide to see more information from you .
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