I am a bad, bad, blog follower. I have great intentions. I click JOIN SITE with an excitement for gleaming raw and glorious information from my fellow bloggers. My problem? I don’t know how to organize myself. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. I’m a complete mess. I follow quite a few blogs, I do. And that’s a problem, I know. I always think I will remember which blogs radiated the most and be able to find them again, but I can’t. I need a better way to figure this blog following thing out. I suck at it, but I don’t want to. I don’t wanna suck. I want to be a good follower. No, scratch that, I want to be an AWESOME follower! Not just a face that sits on your site and who never reads you (I have those on my site as well and it BLOWS). And scanning through so many blogs to find you, well, that's tedious. I feel overwhelmed. AND I WANT TO READ YOU. I do. I swear. I want interaction. I want connection. I want to stalk you completely in a non-creepy way. So, here’s the solution I’ve came up with, my fellow bloggers and followee’s, leave me a comment. Just drop a line or two and say, “Hi, there, Angela. Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals.” AND guess what? I will! I will be your pal. I’ll be the best darn pal you’ve ever had! Even if I'm already following you, leave me a comment--your blog will be moved up the blogging status. I will read you MORE. I will take your blog information and put it in a folder on my Google Reader that says: THE BEST DARN BLOGS EVER! And I will check that folder weekly for update. I promise. (Expect this coming week in which I will be in lovely HAWAII—more to come about that—but otherwise, I’m yours. Completely. Starting the middle of April). All other blogs will still be there in my reader, but first reads will go to those in the THE BEST DARN BLOGS EVER! folder. So, join my BEST DARN BLOGS EVER! by commenting below. Simple. Easy. Let’s be pals. Let me stalk you with love. AND, if you know someone who could use a good stalking, tell them to pop over and add themselves to the list too. The more the merrier.
3/28/2011 12:09:32 pm
I would like us to stalk each other. We can take turns hiding in each others' closets, lurking behind trees...OK, wait a minute. That's kinda creepy. But, I would like to be your friend. So, you follow me...and I will follow you...and we will be best blog friends forever. Your BBFF ~Christin
3/28/2011 01:04:11 pm
Ooooh, the BEST DARN BLOGS EVER! folder sounds like a comfy place for my blog to reside in. XD
3/28/2011 01:05:20 pm
LOL. I'll just say hi and run. I like to blog, so I'm around quite a bit. I wouldn't say I'm a stalker, but others might.
AHEM *Holds up right hand*
3/28/2011 07:07:48 pm
Seems fair. I'll show you mine if you show me yours (so to speak!)
3/28/2011 08:24:22 pm
This is a wonderful idea, done humourously and with verve. I fear that I am much like you, I follow many, but can never remember those which touched a nerve. But it is not MY yet to be created art vblog I would like you to visit, but my wife's, if you would, and a comment would be very welcome.
3/28/2011 08:27:09 pm
What a great idea to get more organised! This could catch on. In fact, I may be the first to pinch the idea!! Good luck : )
3/28/2011 09:48:23 pm
I too find it hard to keep track of the blogs that I find interesting. There's so many out there. Enjoy yourself in Hawaii.
3/28/2011 10:01:10 pm
What a great idea! You made my day with this. I'm a complete mess when it comes to following blogs and I thought I was alone, ha. Thanks so much. My blog is fairly new but I've got some good ideas for it so it will get better :)
3/28/2011 10:31:17 pm
I have the same problem! As I near the year and a half mark in my blogging journey, I realize there's no way I can keep all the wonderful blogs I follow straight in my poor little head. Though, it is great memory exercise...and I can use all of that I can get, LOL!
3/28/2011 10:47:25 pm
**waves from the bench** I wanna play! My blog following skills are right there with yours. In suckville. I, too, want to be awesome, medal around my neck/podium awesome. Put me in coach!
3/28/2011 11:49:17 pm
Wait, what? I've been stalking your blog. You haven't been stalking mine? Okay, let's get started! :-)
3/29/2011 01:22:53 am
Too funny - and, a great idea! I haven't even figured out how to use Google Reader yet, so I'm way, way behind the curve. Absolutely LOVE that folder idea though and will want to set my own up, once I figure out what the heck I'm doing! Stalk away my non-creepy stalker friend. :-)
3/29/2011 01:29:30 am
Thanks for moving me up Angela. I just wanted you to know that conference was for last night but you should be able to go on their website and read the transcript. Just thought I'd let you know.
3/29/2011 01:53:48 am
I'm so bad at following blogs in a reader that I have started putting the blogs I want to follow regularly on my sidebar and clicking through from my own site instead. Otherwise I never read them! But I've always enjoyed your comments, so I'd love to be on your list of bloggy-love :) And I'll put you on my sidebar so I know to pop over as well!
I love stalking..err...friending! I am likely going to be a bad follower too, because I get easily overwhelmed by my blog roll. Since reading this post though, I didn't know you could do different folders. Revolutionary! It may just change me.
Boy, do I know what you mean. Since the crusades, I've been meaning to put the blogs I'm reading in categories, including the ones I feel the need to stalk regularly, but that hasn't happened, so I kinda just skim down the blogger dashboard to see what titles catch my interest. If I haven't followed you yet, I will, but most likely I already have.
3/29/2011 02:29:43 am
This was funny! I actually sat down one day and organized my blogs on google reader into folders. I organize them by type (adult fic, YA, MG, etc) mostly. I do have a special folder for my blogging friends (people I have a legitimate connection with) and for crusaders. For the super awesome blogs, I go under manage subscriptions and I rename them, putting a ** before their name so I know to read their blogs thoroughly. It works for me at least =)
3/29/2011 03:09:49 am
I'll admit I've already been stalking you (in a non-creepy way, of course). I'm also envious of your trip to Hawaii.
3/29/2011 03:21:09 am
I would love a blog stalker, and I will happily stalk you back. What a wonderful idea!
3/29/2011 04:09:20 am
You know when we were kids and the teacher said, "I need a volunteer," and it was for the coolest thing ever, and we raised our hand and tried not to yell, "Pick me! Pick me!"? That's me right now. :)
3/29/2011 04:23:38 am
I'll let you stalk me! And I'll stalk you too! You're idea of creating a blog folder is awesome - I think I just might copy you and do the same. I am so unorganized as well. I have a lot of subscriptions via email and my inbox is so cluttered I sometimes forget to look at my Google Reader. But I will set it up so it is even better than my email!
3/29/2011 05:20:04 am
I would love to be stalked.
3/29/2011 05:24:15 am
Hi here's my friendly stalker request! =) I always have a read of your blog, but I'm a bit new to the whole publicize that you have a blog and people will read it thing! So here's hoping someone will give it a read =) I hope my vampire related blog and your zombie related blog can become good friends! All the best from @KarinaLawrence
3/29/2011 05:28:45 am
“Hi, there, Angela. Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals.” I took your advice & cut and pasted what I hope will lead to a wonderful, ongoing relationship. I also am going to follow your blog so this will be a win/win for both of us.
Hi Angela!
3/29/2011 06:25:02 am
Hey, Angela!! I bookmark mine and then run through them at least once a week if I don't subscribe to them. Don't know if that helps you out or not, but maybe worth a try.
3/29/2011 07:01:56 am
Absolutely. I've already been following your blog and would love long comments that tell me how awesome/crappy my stories are.
3/29/2011 07:42:12 am
What a schnazzy idea? I can't believe I never thought of that. I'm struggling with it too. I am following sooo many people, and every once in a while I read a blog and think, "Wow, that's awesome. I need to come here more." ...And then I forget about it, and I feel like one of those idiots that never leaves comments and just tries to up their follower count. Ugh. Definately going to try to get better organized. Thanks!
3/29/2011 03:22:01 pm
Okay, everybody. Wow! What a turn out. Awesome. Found some new blogs to follow and I refound some blogs I was a follower but lost in my blog pile.
Deborah-ann Brown
3/29/2011 11:28:31 pm
Hi Angela, Really great to be in touch and I look forward to getting to know you.
Sharon Poteet
3/29/2011 11:35:33 pm
Hi, how are you?
3/30/2011 03:02:30 am
Well thats an offer I cannot refuse!!!! I'm also just about to put a link to your blog on mine......so we can silently stalk each other ;-)
3/30/2011 06:18:36 am
I would love to have you as a stalker. I have been a humor columnist for 8 years but have always written in Spanish and only began blogging in English a month ago, so I am still a little shy and need all the help/encouragement/constructive criticism I can get. I may be far down the line but drop in on www.theb3blog.com any time. My Spanish one is www.logosyfilias.com, in case you read Spanish, too. Thanks and consider yourself stalked back!
3/30/2011 07:10:41 am
This post made me smile. Stalking (in a non-creepy way) is a good thing. :) Have fun in Hawaii!!!!
3/30/2011 07:19:21 am
LOL, great idea :) All stalkers welcome at my blog ;)
Newest back-stalker here saying (sound familiar?):
3/30/2011 09:45:11 am
Hi,Angela. Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments. Tell me how I’m doing. Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals.Please stalk me. Please comment. Please tell me if i suck! I need you!
Hey Angela, I'd love to get to know you better. I have two blogs...hahaha. So, you decide which one you want to stalk. I'm stalking you already:) heh-heh
HEY, Angela. Please Come support my blog by leaving enormously long comments (I love comments of any length and don't get many!! I might weep for joy at a comment) Tell me how I’m doing (oh please, please, please, feedback of any kind is welcome) Encourage me and tell me a joke, if you’d like. Let’s be more than faces on a blog. Let’s interact, let’s be pals!!!! Pals!!
4/2/2011 02:47:54 am
4/3/2011 10:21:15 am
Are you sure you're ready to stalk this many people? =)
4/6/2011 11:53:43 am
Enjoy Hawaii. I am jealous; good reason to stalk your blog for information about Hawaii.
I've read a lot of blogs last night and this morning and yours has left an impression. I've love your sincerity and honesty and for that I shall follow.
4/7/2011 10:53:34 am
I also like to follow blogs by actually reading and commenting on them. I enjoy interacting with other bloggers so stalk me all you like.
4/9/2011 02:45:16 pm
Hi Angela, Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge. Hope you're enjoying Hawaii - sounds fun!! I've been trying to figure out how to better follow my favorite blogs too! Glad to know I'm not the only one!
4/11/2011 07:55:47 am
That was a great post. It was as if you were sitting across from me talking, and I appreciate the honesty.
5/21/2011 12:41:27 am
Nice one! I also stalks blog sites that I like!
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