*WARNING: SPOILER ALERT* I love me some Walking Dead. I'm a huge fan of the show. But in saying that, there are still a few things about the plot and its characters that I just don't get. Last night's episode "Home" was by far one of the best we've had since the midseason premier. When I say, "Ewww! Gross!" several times outloud, then it's an awesome episode. Lots of zombie gore and action that will make you cringe. But there were a couple of things that I just didn't buy into, nor appreciate: Like, what in the heck is up with Glen and Maggie? I turned to my husband and asked him, "Why is Maggie so mad at Glen?" To which he wasn't even quite sure. I don't get it. Yes, they were kidnapped and tortured in their own kind of ways, and yes it sucked being vulnerable to the Governor's whim to save Glen from losing his hand and eventually his life, but the Governor didn't rape her. The Governor didn't do much of anything to Maggie (in the realm of possible things he could have done). Sooooo...then why all the anger Maggie? Why are you SO mad at Glen? What exactly did he do? To me, it just makes no sense whatsoever. It feels farfetched. maybe the writers just didn't know what to do with her character. I don't know, but that situation better get figured out soon before I start chanting, "Kill her off! Kill her off!" Like I did with Lori, and we ALL know what happened to Lori, don't we? Speaking of Lori, even in death she drives me nuts. This whole weirdness with Rick hearing her on the phone and now seeing her ghost just isn't fun for me. I love Rick. Always have. But this new crazy Rick is driving me crazy. I get that going through life constantly fighting off the undead and losing loved ones left and right can take a huge toll on one's psyche. But enough already. Now we've got the guy throwing open gates and running out into zombie infested fields to chase after the ghost of his dead wife, who he even admits ISN'T THERE. I've gotten to the point that when he comes on scene I just about cringe inside and use that time to refill my drink or take a quick potty break. It's become that bad. BUT, the last scene of this episode where he is looking at all the devastation gives me hope that the Rick I know and love will soon be back. There was just something in his eyes that makes me want to tune into next weeks episode SO BAD. I sure hope he's back, because we all know that Glen is in no mental shape to be leader and take over--thanks to Maggie and her weird misplaced anger. I love Glen, but he's no leader. And is it just me, or does anyone else think Andrea should just die? Why in the world is she still back at that compound? Why, oh why? Of course we need a pair of eyes back there, letting us know what is happening on the inside, and without one of the characters being there, we'd never know. I get that. But is Andrea really THAT dumb? Seriously? The Governor is coo-coo for cocoa puffs and she's seen his weirdness first hand, so why stay? Now that you know your friends are alive, WHY STAY? Again, I think the writers misjudged this. If anything, the way they've tried to keep her there, makes us, as viewers, really dislike her. It would've been better if she was there to keep tabs on him from the inside or something like that. But this, "I still like him, even though I know he's weird and he tried to murder all my friends, but we're lovers so I can let that slide" is just crap that makes me want to slap her. She better do something, and do it soon or again, I will be chanting, "Kill her off! Kill her off!" (Wow, the more I think about it, the more I realize there seems to be very few characters I like, and yet, I keep coming back. Why do I keep coming back then...DARYL!!) I knew he'd be back! What an awesome moment that was! AND, I absolutely loved the scene between him and Merle in the woods. About time he put his brother in his place and told him exactly what he thought about him. (You tell him, Daryl!). When they both come to the rescue of a family, fighting off the undead on the bridge, there's a quick moment where I was a bit concerned: Merle is rummaging through the family's car, looking for food and supplies that he figures he has every right to take. If Daryl stood back and let Merle do what he wanted, then the Daryl who stood up to his brother would simply be a one time fluke. It's in this moment where we learn where Daryl's heart and commitment lies (Please not with Merle! Please!) But when he stuck that crossbow to the back of his brother's head, I punched the air with joy! Daryl is still a good guy! The best guy! I love that guy! All is well. I still have faith in the show. I still have a couple of issues with this episode though, despite my love for Daryl, that I want to address. The first: where were the other people in the jail during this whole shootout? Tyreese and his sister and the other guys, whose names we do not know, where were they? Why not turn to them for help? Everyone knows the Governor is coming and going to act out some kind of revenge. Wouldn't that be a good time to open the gates and let the newcomers help? Nope. We don't even see them AT ALL in this episode. Our original group is getting their butts handed to them on a plate--a total shootout, a van filled with walkers dropped off right in the yard (very cool by the way)--and there is no Tyreese? There's FOUR other people in the prison who could help, and nothing? Are you kidding me? Ahhh... Dumb, dumb, dumb. This next episode they better use these guys. Come on. Let's be smart here. And lastly, they killed off Axel. My heart hurts when I type that. I really, really liked him. He was a good guy, someone I thought could be a contender for Carol's heart (wouldn't that have been fun, watching Axel and Daryl try to win her affections...it could've been good). But no. Axel is dead. It was a powerful moment in the show, him taking a bullet to the head, but that doesn't mean I agreed with it. Now all the original prisoners are dead. Thanks a bunch, writers of The Walking Dead. Thanks a bunch. Yes it was dramatic and was set up to yank on our heart strings, which it did, but the thing the writers don't understand is that I now refuse to care for ANY of the new characters they plan to introduce. They're dispensable. We shouldn't invest in them. That's what I've come to learn. Nope, we can't kill off Andrea or Maggie (people who annoy us) we've got to kill off Axel, sweet, misunderstood Axel. That makes me so sad. Despite all the "dumbness", if you will, I have faith that things will turn around for this show and the remainder of the season will be awesome. Rick looks to be on the mend from his craziness (which I still don't understand the purpose of), Daryl is back (Yippee!), the group HAS to fight back (which should lead to some great stuff coming our way), and Andrea appears to be a little wiser (about freakin' time). Things are bound to get good and I can't wait. The count down to next Sunday has begun. So what did you think about the episode "Home?" Love it? Hate it? Agree or disagree with me? I'd love to know what you think. Leave a comment. Let's discuss this show that annoys me, yet I still love.
Sammy Kay
2/18/2013 12:10:35 pm
Maggie's anger seemed to be due to Glen treating her as a victim. He's been treating her like a rape victim. That's how I interpreted it. He was being kind of an ass, but I adore Glen so I can't be mad at him. I read the comics and Rick stays crazy, but becomes ruthless and weird like The Governor. Hope they don't plan to keep that storyline/characterization.
2/19/2013 01:01:06 am
I still don't know about the Maggie/Glen thing. I get all about him wanting revenge and trying to be tough--he went through a lot. But Maggie being mad at him? I still don't buy into it.
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