![]() A twitter bio is your opportunity to tell the world all about yourself--what you like, what you do, ANYTHING--but you only have 160 characters to do it in. It's kind of awesome like that! As far as twitter bio's go, mine's pretty mundane (You can click on the bird button over there <--- to check me out if you wanna), but I've seen quite a few over the years that make me chuckle, smile, and downright wish I'd thought of that first. There have also been ones that make me go, HUH? And still more that make me scared (What kind of a weirdo are you? Doesn't matter, I will follow you to find out). Some are witty. Some are profound. It's interesting what people do with their 160 characters. It's quite telling. Here's a few for you to enjoy: Francesca @frie_frenchy I like cake (Who doesn't? It's simple and to the point. I like cake and that tells me a lot about this person. We could be friends).
And if you're going to follow a person who loves cake then the next logical step is to follow this person: Anna Jayne @annajayne91 I love lamp. (Me too! There is something brilliant here, I can tell). Spiders Georg @TPocketninga I am nothing but an angry, wild egg who loves garlic bread. (Must follow this!) Happy Kristenmas @KristenCHansen tacos (I agree. Tacos) And in case Tacos aren't your thing there is always: Diana Mendoza @DianaMendozaaa Avocado. Or David Paulson-Warn @WarnPaulson I like BANANAS. Or Bob Rose @TheRealRJRose Deep Thinker and Enchilada Enthusiast Massimo Sannino @Massimo1243 so you want to hear a couple of general and useless tweets? (Yes, I do. Isn't that the whole purpose of twitter?) Nkululeko @Nkuleko2 The spaces between my fingers was created so that another being could fill them. Guess what!!! I'm still single. (Let's see if I can help you.... here you go....) sara @sara101404 I singiel plz ask me out (sara, see above) And if sara doesn't work out there's always: Farah Evan's @farahevans457 dear single boy im waiting for you amanda geiger @StopMakingWars I'm sooo much cooler online. (Aren't we all?) Like blunt people? Well, here you go: Elizabeth Buchwalter @Schmuckwalter Avid arguer. Chocoholic. Super nerd. Great lacker of empathy. andrew mitton @aomitton I'm not on facebook. This is all you are ever going to get Megan @psiionics Hi I'm Megan and I'm a really lame dork that is in love with a big dumbface named Lexus. Darshawn Mvp @lvallenjy I love myself so much There are a LOT of twitter accounts with blank bios, but if you don't want to go to the effort of writing one, but at the same time you don't want to leave it blank either then consider this: Pekalipan Cirebon @indosystem7 no bio Personally, I really enjoy the clever ones: Max Arlestig @4graetjustis Don't you just hate it when a sentence doesn't end the way you octopus Daniel Griffin @danielsgriffin I like to think I like to think. Nithya @etashetamix Slugs, snails and puppy dog tails, sugar, spice and garlic rice Thalia @Adam20284082 Was a tree...now not deal with it. Susie Chipman @Susie109 Damn it! How will I ever get out of this labyrinth? Rachel Carroll @mr__moriarty I like a lot of things and paint a lot of nails and take bad selfies Emily Royston @emilylikesboobs my preferred pronoun is 'your majesty' jdurley @jdurlz Human being @Laura_the_Wise follows you Nerdfighter. Determined dreamer. Writer. Has ambitions to be crazy cat lady if marrying various celebrity crushes proves impossible. AND... if you really don't want to think to hard about your bio or could use a little help try the TWITTER BIO GENERATOR. I know you wanna. It will just randomly through things together that make you look interesting and cool. Give it a go. Well, I hope you enjoyed these. Feel free to add some funny twitter bios in the comments. I love creative and funny people and I also LOVE to follow people on twitter, so it's a win-win! Now get back to work and stop reading useless blogs :)
1 Comment
12/26/2013 01:18:44 am
I've always loved Elizabeth Bear's:
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