![]() Wow! My blog is award worthy. How about that, folks? And not is it any old dumb award but it’s the “Stylish Blog Award.” That’s a cool award to receive by one of my writing peers. I’ve got me some style—real style, baby. I have an award that says so. Is my blog super cool looking? Stylish? “So 3008 and not so 2000 and late.” (That’s a Blackeyed Peas quote, in case you’re so 2000 and late). Nah. My blog doesn’t have flash and pizzazz. Ohhh, I do have a bit of flash and pizzazz on my “Got Zombies?” tab—just a bit. But I don’t think that would have made me super stylish. Zombie Sounds = Stylish Award? I don’t think so. So that leaves me to believe it’s my ultra-stylish personality *winks and flashes my pearly white teeth* which earned me a badge to put on my blog. My first and hopefully not my last. I’ve had award envy for quite some time now. I’d visit other blogs, see their pretty little award badges and think, “Wow. Their cool. Their super cool,” and wished to be just like them. No one wants to be uncool. Uncool just isn’t cool, no matter how you spin it. So I’ve got me a badge, a badge that says I’m cool and stylish (I like saying that word). But now, to receive it, I must share 7 things about myself with you (that is one of the stipulations for receiving the award and I want this award soooo bad). 1) I have a bucket list and I will share one thing from it with you. I want to go to Hershey, Pennsylvania to a chocolate spa. Can you imagine being dipped in chocolate? Yum, chocolate. If you can’t then you’re no true lover of chocolate, my friend. 2) I can’t stand feet. I hate feet. Baby feet are cute and for some weird reason I want to put them in my mouth and bite them, but big kid feet and adult feet, especially men feet, give me the heebie-creepies. I just gave myself the chills writing this. Don’t touch my feet and don’t touch me with your feet or I will scream. This is a truth. I really will scream. I’m not kidding. 3) I’m lactose-intolerant but that doesn’t keep me from eating ice cream. I love ice cream. 4) I have a dog named Zoey, who thinks she’s a person (see how I used “who” instead of “that” because she’d be offended) and I have a bird named Merlin that thinks he’s a dog. No joke. He loves his head scratched. 5) I used to play the clarinet and can toot a few songs from the past. See why I need a cool Stylish blog award? Clarinet players aren’t cool. 6) If I were to be on a reality show, I’d pick “Pimp my Ride.” My minivan has over 210,000 miles on it and it just keeps going and going and going. So sad, I know. I need to sell a book. Fingers crossed. Maybe I can get me a minivan with only 199,000 miles on it. That would be sweet. 7) I’ve lived in Utah all my life and have never once been skiing. It looks scary. The ski lift especially. Dangerous. I could fall off. With my luck, I’m pretty sure I would. So thanks Heather for the award. I will pass it along to some other deserving blogs who could use an award as well. I appreciate you thinking of me. * For bloggers I sent this award to, you are to do the following in order to accept the award (just like I did): 1.) Thank and link back to the person who gave the award 2.) State 7 things about yourself 3.) Pass the award to 15 (or however many you feel deserve it) recently discovered bloggers
2/14/2011 08:26:54 pm
Hey there fellow crusader. Congrats on the Blog Award!
2/15/2011 12:46:32 am
Hi, Fellow Crusader,
2/15/2011 02:31:38 am
Style -- You've got it! :) Congrats from a fellow crusader!
Congrats on your award!! Love #1 fact - I think I could do a chocolate "dip". I'm sure it's good for smoothing or detox or something useful like that. (Just don't ask if I'd lick myself later...ummm...) I also HATE feet!! My husband tries to play footsies all the time, it drives me insane! And also - a UT-lifer who's never been skiing. I don't know...it just seems wrong. With "the greatest snow on earth", I figure I should creep down a bunny slope one of these days... have a good one!
CherylAnne Ham
2/15/2011 08:23:27 am
Congrats! Your award is so fancy. ;) I love that one of the conditions of acceptance is sharing info about yourself. That's so great!
2/15/2011 10:43:53 am
Yay! Congrats on your award!
2/15/2011 04:41:43 pm
Hello fellow crusader, and congrats on your award! The first time I went up on a ski lift, I freaked out. I've always been afraid of heights, but for some reason it didn't occur to me that the lift would bother me until I was up on it. Luckily, it's gotten much easier.
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